16 September, 2008

paper urchins

Some new work I've been playing with. Yet to be strung on their own length of yarn.

I've defined them as urchins, as the humble sea-urchin shares its resemblance.

sea-urchin noun
any of a group of spiny, marine animals with a spheric shape and a shell made up of many calcareous discs.
{Michael Holland, Heinemann Australian Dictionary fifth edition, Rigby Heinemann, Reed International Books Australia, Port Melbourne, Victoria, pp 996.}

09 September, 2008

feeling inspired

I hardly show the illustrations I make, so I thought I should.

{drawn from the inspiration of Camilla Engman and Dylan Martorell}

{drawn from the imagery of Bridget Bodenham's ceramic ring and "skulk of foxes" brooch}

04 September, 2008


Well, I know we've been seeing it all week across four blogs, but here are more images of the delightful "Thelma's" creations that are resting under the display lights of the window exhibition space at MINE.
Well Done Elaine! And well done to the helping hands of G and to L.
Also, I made some book-sculptures and they {very luckily} feature as stuffie-supports in the window.